Prom Best Haircuts and Katie Holmes New Short Hairstyle 2011
Prom Best Haircuts and Katie Holmes New Short Hairstyle 2011
Ms. Holmes’ new hairstyle was a ‘short cut’ hairstyle. It was first seen while she was at the pizza place. Furthermore, Ms. Holmes seemed shy about coming out of the pizza place, as a throng of reporters and paparazzis met her. This not unusual, as she is rarely seen without being accompanied by Mr. Cruise and her hair looking nice and all. Of course, this was not the first time she was met with this kind of attention. Last year, she was seen with a girl-next-door type of hairstyle that was converted into a small bob with think fringes Also, there has been speculation as to whether or not she was going to star in the new adaptation of Arthur Miller’s “All My Sons.” Her deal in the starring role of the stage play was in final terms and the outcome is still unknown. For the play, it would be the play’s first top reprisal since the playwright’s death about three years ago. Also, Ms. Holmes did commit to being a part of a private workshop of this stage play, last May. Ms. Holmes’ role will be of a woman named Ann Dover, a 26-year old who decides to visit her past neighbors. They are the parents of a missing WWII pilot who was shot down during the war. The pilot was, also, Ms. Dover’s lover.
Short Prom hairstyles can be as stylish and elegant as the more usual long look, and fits in with current trends of braids, side ponies and ponytails. The Paris Hilton braid look can also work with most types of hair, as well as different textures and colors.There are of course many benefits from choosing short prom hairstyles, as they are easy to create and take much less time to get ready. As it is for a prom it should be formal in looks and therefore may need the use of styling tools, colors and highlights, to create the perfect look.short slightly black colored sedu hairstyle for women with short sedu hair style,women. Llooks much more sexy ,just look at this short blonde sedu hair

Jennifer Aniston wax statue sporting the Sedu hair style

Tuesday, July 19, 2011 2011 haircut-styles, 2011-short-hair, hot prom hairstyle 0 comments